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Friday, November 21, 2014

School Day#1 Photoshop

I started studying at Helsinki Design School this fall. I have already once graduated as a photographer 3 years ago. Back then the school was AV-Heltech, also located in Helsinki. The main reason that I wanted to go to this school, is actually very simple.

"I Want New Contacts."

I didn't expect in the first place the school to teach me a lot of new things. I also wanted to ride a bit on the schools name, to rise my own works value. So far there has just been a few homework and very little new information for me. Of course most of students in my class are just beginners in photography's world, so the teachers have to start up really slowly. I of course understand this. But this makes a bit lonely out there. I was hoping to after many years to connect with my new colleagues and talk about all photography's insides and how their own works are going and also share some photos and experiences. But sadly it appears no-one is on that level with me on this one.

I am not gonna deal about my school a lot on this blog, but I might share some of the homework pictures and projects that are related to the studies.

Anyways, I documented my school day, today and share what I did.

"Had to buy Laptop for the photoshop lessons."
"Got the first homework returned to us. I got 5-/5. Paola Suhonen, our "art teacher", wished me to be braver with scaling the picture. Other than that she appear to love this shot. I will share the whole collection very soon!"

"Homework #4 On it's way to receive critique from Valtteri Hirvonen. Photoshop. I already know where a big minus is gonna come from. shhh.."

❀ Lady's Wild Garden


  1. Onko tuo koulu maksullinen/paljonko maksaa? Oisin kovin innostunut tosta mut jo yhden maksullisen koulun käyneenä en oo varma paljonko uskallan pulittaa haha.

    1. Lähiopetuspäiviä on 2 kerran kuukaudessa. Koulu kestää 10 kuukautta ja Valokuvauskoulutus maksaa noin.3200€.
      Mitään muuta kuin pari monistetta ei sisälly hintaan. Omat kalustot kameraa ja läppäriä myöten pitää olla. :)

    2. Kiitos kovasti! Kalusto löytyykin jo, mutta taitaa jäädä väliin hinnan takia. :( Vaikuttaa kyllä mielenkiintoiselta sen perusteella mitä otin selvää, toivoisin jotain yhteenvetoa koulusta kun oot sen käynyt, jos ei ole mahdotonta. :>

    3. Aivan varmasti tulen tekemään yhteenvedon! :) .✿

  2. You make school look so beautiful and fun! (When in reality it can be very stressful, lol.) I don't know much about design, but won't it be expensive to pay for school again just for contacts? Or maybe school is much cheaper there than in America? ^^

    1. Well actually this school is playing dirty and I'm gonna quit it. It was too expensive. This was the first time for me to pay for school. As school is usually free in Finland. But must say this was the last time as well. :(

  3. en tiiä haluatko puhua enempää tosta kouluhommasta että miks lopetat, ajattelin vaan että JOS haluat lyhyesti avata mitä on käyny ni saatat pelastaa mut hakemiselta :< Oon katellu sillä silmällä tota koulua jo jonkun aikaa, mut toi sun kommentti osu pahasti silmään


✿ Lady's Wild Garden Thanks For All The Critics and Comments.✿
Please just keep up the good taste in your comments ✿

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